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Peerless Quality Products was founded in 1929. Since 1987, Peerless products have been authorized for use in General Motors and Ford facilities and have been used extensively. In addition, our airline chemicals have been independently tested and certified for use on Boeing, Mc Donnell Douglass and Bombardier Aircraft.

The company manufactures a wide variety of cleaning products and serves the Airline, Education, Food Service, Food Processing, Health Care and Industrial customer.

Peerless maintains the highest possible quality assurance and inspection procedures. We are ISO 9002 certified.

Peerless assists its clients to maintain compliance with all Federal, State and Local Regulations and the performance of our products in unconditionally guaranteed. We provide all of the necessary test data, material safety data sheets and letters of guarantee. Our chemical, technical and support personnel are available to assist you on-site with special needs.

Peerless products are sold internationally by outstanding local distributors.